Everyone plays a role in protecting minors from abuse. Explore this webpage to learn more about how Cal State LA protects minors in its care and what you can do to help. The CSU has zero tolerance for child abuse and neglect.
Youth Protection Program Registration and Guideline
Risk Management (RM) is responsible for the Youth Protection Program at Cal State LA. Cal State LA is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for all members of the campus community and visiting members of the public, including minors on campus.
As part of our commitment to provide an open and safe campus environment for all, including minors, RM has developed the Protection of Minors Program. This program intends to identify events and activities that serve, or otherwise engage youth, and establish standards and protocols for their safety and protection.
All University departments and auxiliaries, employees (staff), students, and volunteers with regular or direct contact with youth must comply with university procedures and policies.
CSU Chancellor's Office Managing Risk in Youth Programs Resource Guide >
Youth Protection Program

Cal State LA has a wide range of activities including camps, clinics, workshops, recitals, tournaments, conferences, and competitions all of which have persons under the age of 18 as the majority of participants or attendees.
Cal State LA strives to offer safe and enjoyable educational environments for youth. In support of that goal, Cal State LA committed to protecting youth who participate in CSU-organized programs.
Interacting with Minors in Virtual Settings

Interacting with Minors in Virtual Settings
With the pandemic-driven increase in virtual programming, protecting minors in virtual settings is more important than ever. Select the image below to learn about policies, procedures, and best practices for interacting with minors through virtual mediums.
Additional Resources

Additional information regarding Youth Programs can be found on the Managing Risks in Youth Programs Presentation by the CSU Chancellor's Office, presented at the 'Fitting the Pieces Conference.'