Not Anymore

Cal State LA is committed to keeping all members of our campus community safe so you can maximize your educational opportunities and experiences. To that end, ALL STUDENTS are required to complete an annual online interpersonal violence prevention course called Not Anymore, which was created in collaboration with Vector Solutions in compliance with federal and state legislation and California State University policy.

This course will provide you with information about consent, bystander intervention, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking, and misconduct. Not Anymore will help you better understand these issues and what you can do to help keep our campus community safe.

Not Anymore training takes 60 minutes for first-time participants and 30 minutes for refresher courses and includes pre and post-testing. You must score at least 80 percent on the post-test, which can be retaken until you pass. You can review the program videos before retaking the post-test.

See Caption for details
Step 1: Log on to MyCalStateLA. Step 2: Click on Launchpad. From the dropdown menu select the Not Anymore –Required Course icon.


Continue to follow the instructions provided on the page. If you see multiple courses listed, please complete the most recently assigned.

The course is self-paced and allows you to come back later to continue after the last completed section.


The course contains sensitive material involving sexual and interpersonal violence and alcohol abuse. While warnings and supportive resources are included in the videos, we understand such programming may be difficult for some viewers. If you are not comfortable taking the course and wish to request an exemption, please contact the Title IX Office.

We thank you in advance for your participation in this important educational activity.

  • If you are experiencing difficulty logging in to the MyCalStateLA Portal, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 323-343-6170 for assistance.
  • If you run into problems taking or reentering the course, do not start over. Contact us through the HELP button and we will assist you.
  • If you have any technical difficulties, please contact the Vector Solutions Support Team.
  • If you have general questions and/or concerns, please contact Student Conduct.